GROUP instruction
When you purchase a package of Group Instruction Sessions you are subject to be in a group with 3 other players that are on your skill level or in your age group. The maximum ratio we allow in our group sessions is 8:1 students to instructors .. All of our scheduling is done manually to ensures that the groups are appropriate.
– Players work with players that are on their skill level or in their age group.
– Players work on communicating and learn to lead by example.
– Players can gauge their skill set based on other players in their group.
– Working in a small group lends itself to different styles of drills that include working with partners or multiple players.
INDIVIDUAL instruction
When you purchase a package of Individual Instruction Sessions you are guaranteed to receive 1 on 1 instruction. This means that 1 trainer will be assigned to only 1 player.
– Perfect for Beginners – Allows trainers to focus in on teaching Shootin’ School Basics.
– Perfect for Advanced Players – Allows trainers to focus in on specific needs of the individual player.
– With Individual Instruction, players are able to get the maximum amount of reps in the hour.
– Players work at their desired pace. If a player needs extra time or reps on a specific skill, they can take it. If players want to push the tempo they can go as quickly as they want.

UNLIMITED instruction PLAN
You can purchase Unlimited Group Instruction. With these plans you are given priority scheduling. This means that you will be scheduled ahead of all other players that have packages of sessions. In addition, you have access to our instruction every day that we train for 1 hour. Unlimited Packages do not allow you to train for multiple hours in 1 day. If you choose to do an Unlimited Plan you are agreeing to a 4-month term. This means that you must participate in the plan for 4 consecutive months.
All Unlimited Participants must have a credit card on file, however, payments do not have to be made with that credit card.
"The Gun"
The Gun is state-of-the-art basketball technology designed to increase the amount of shots players can shoot while in the gym. The Gun allows you to shoot over 500 shots in an hour! In addition to getting all rebounds and passing the ball back to the shooter, “The Gun” also keeps track of the players shots taken, shots made and the percentage! When your arms are too tired to shoot anymore, you can print a receipt with your shooting statistics to constantly judge your progress.
– Get up over 500 shots in an hour
– Use repetition to build muscle memory
– Perfect your shooting arc
– Stretch your range
– Increase free throw percentage